34 - Mann Rd East
39 Acres
Service Description
For the 2024 / 2025 Season this field had corn that will be harvested. At this point the plan is to have hunting on this field be from personal layout blinds. After the corn is harvested we may put up a blind. Parking - The parking for this is on the South East corner of this field. DO NOT cross the ditch to the East that is not ours. You may hunt the slough. The Western boundary is a ditch that borders our other Mann Road field. PROPERTY NOTES - At the parking area you will notice a ditch that runs North and South. DO NOT hunt the field on the east side of the ditch, that is not ours. Please remember at the end of each hunt ◦ Pick up any garbage including empty shell casings and wads. ◦ Text Mark Evans 360-202-8009 with a short update with name of field and how many birds harvested etc ◦ If you have any good photos or videos from your hunt those are appreciated as well.
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