14- Stackpole
Service Description
Here is the google pin to get driving directions : https://maps.app.goo.gl/FeBzevSj6E2XVVEw6 For the 2024 / 2025 Season this field had a grass cover crop that has been tilled. It may have a different cover crop planted depending on weather this fall. Parking - Please park next to the KWTH sign on the NW Corner of this field. Parking limited to two vehicles. Do not pull into the field as it will get very muddy. PROPERTY NOTES - Hunting is out of Layout blinds. Please do not hunt within 200 yards of the house that is located to the South East corner of the field. Please remember at the end of each hunt ◦ Pick up any garbage including empty shell casings and wads. ◦ Text Mark Evans 360-202-8009 with a short update with name of field and how many birds harvested etc ◦ If you have any good photos or videos from your hunt those are appreciated as well.
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